Your focus is client care. Ours is making sure you get paid for it. We specialize in mental health billing services, administrative guidance, and operational consulting. Our work is driven by three guiding principles -- being pro-active; improving operations for mental healthcare providers; and holding insurers accountable.
We are the experts in reevaluating and updating processes to define order and sense in a rapidly changing healthcare environment. When a rule or procedure changes, we carefully analyze the situation to determine if there is a more efficient process to accommodate the desired change. Our processes are aligned so that they account for every step in the process, from the initial contact through the final payment. Our system of checks and balances insures things are done correctly the first time. We don’t make excuses for problems; we find solutions for them.
Medical/mental health practices sometimes lack efficient organization because the practice emphasis is on patient care, as it should be. It’s difficult to create a calm and welcoming environment without having order around you. This can have an effect on both patients and employees. We help to foster structure and accountability, but not simply to “neaten up” an office. Our experience demonstrates the value in encouraging our clients to understand the why, how, and what in everything they do. We take the wide view: “How and why did this come to me, what is my responsibility, and where is it going after me?”
A major focus of our responsibility is ensuring that health insurance companies accurately reimburse health care professionals for all of the mental health services they provide. Over time, we have built solid relationships with representatives of every major insurance provider. We call on these treasured contacts to resolve issues every step of the way. And when these issues appear repeatedly, indicating a system-wide problem, we work to find the source of the problem and resolve it. We remain dedicated and focused to make that extra call (or several) to ensure prompt and accurate payments for our clients.
At Streamline, we value the commitments we have made to our clients. We comply with their business associate agreements, meaning that we follow all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines.
We do all this to ensure the best possible experience and the utmost privacy and security for our clients and their patients.